We moved to a small tropical island located 800km East of Madagascar with an area of 2,512 km². And it has over 850k people.
Easy 30-minute Vegan Taco Recipe Everyone Will Love
Don’t let the word “vegan” scare you! Even if you are a meat lover, I can say you’ll still love those vegan tacos. I have living proof!
Super Easy Homemade Veggie Quesadillas
Easy & quick homemade veggie quesadillas mixed with fajita spices. Even carnivores love it. Perfect when craving Mexican food.
First Time Traveling Alone (to the USA)
I was going to fly to the USA. So my first time traveling alone was about to begin. The day wasn’t as cheerful as I thought it would be.
How To Make Homemade Peanut Butter (5-minute recipe)
Can you name something that lots of people can’t imagine living without but also lots of people despise? If you said peanut butter you guessed it right.
Fake It Till You Make It (to Hawaii) – Don’t Give Up!
I made one of my biggest dreams come true when I was in university. I had known for at least 3 years then that I will go to Hawaii when I’m in university.
Hello World!
Welcome to my first blog post. Introducing myself and my hobbies which are traveling, cooking, photography and fitness. Come read and enjoy!